Mine Olde Mind


The official definition of this term is:

  • 1.) government by the people directly or through representatives. 2.) a country, etc. with such a government. 3.) equality of rights, opportunity and treatment. (2003, Webster's)

  • 1.) government by the people. (1877 Webster's)

let us make this brief for the sake of efficiency and understanding. Notice how the 1877 definition leaves it as it is. It takes nothing away, it adds nothing. It is, if you will, a pure definition.

If this was left as it is...think of how different our world would be. Elections by popular ballot rather than electoral colleges (which FYI, is an outdated system, only invented to appease a petulant South wanting representation for slaves who didn't vote [3/5 compromise]). No "party" lines of division. There would be more choice. Probably too much choice, which is why we have the system we do today. Is there such a thing as too much choice... yes, but only if you can't handle it. In a society and a nation as large and encompassing as ours, it would be difficult to pull off to say the least.

Even though, I can think of no practical system (I can come up with theoretical systems all day long) of government for our nation that would work better than the one we currently have, I till believe that when we vote we are choosing between two evils, and merely trying to pick the lesser of the two. That is not democracy. Somehow, the cream of the crop is not getting picked, they are not even running. What has happened to statesmanship?? Where have the patriots gone?? They are now, most often, the silent ones, who know better but stand aside and do nothing to stop what happens. Other times they are part of advocacy groups and lobbyists because that is the only way to be heard in this day and age. (which I believe is sick and wrong). So what are we to do about all this?? We the PEOPLE, are to govern, we the PEOPLE are to elect what officials we want, not just elect the officials that run. We the PEOPLE need to get off of our lazy, government dependent rears and start playing an active role in the direction of our country. We the PEOPLE, need to be the ones who decide whether or not a bill goes through, not the dollars being pumped into Washington, not the lobbyists screaming in politicians ears, we the PEOPLE can play a part in our government and we need to.

I am not going all "hippie"~"peace rally" on you, I am simply stating that action needs to be taken. We need to get out of our own little box that we live in, and pay attention to what is happening on the hill. We need to care. We need to show that we care, and we can do that with our votes, with our wallets, with our feet, and with our voices. We the PEOPLE, can show that we care. Indifference is what has gotten our society to the low level in which it stands. This is our battle, the nation is our field, go and make your voices heard.

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