Mine Olde Mind

Mind's Eye

This is a list of my core beliefs and values. 

  • I believe in God, by God I am referring to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, which all make the Holy Trinity. 
  • I believe that everyone deserves a second chance because God gave me one through Christ. 
  • I believe that practice doesn't always make perfect, but that perfect practice does. 
  • I believe that silverware does not fall under "doing the dishes"
  • I believe that with hard work comes wealth more substantial than money. 
  • I believe that people come from the land and therefore should preserve an conserve it. 
  • I believe life is sacred from conception till death. 
  • I believe that half of the problems with this world could be solved if everyone was less greedy and prideful. 
  • I believe in the justice of natural consequences. 
More to come... (ran out of time to work on this)