Mine Olde Mind

Well, this is the last of the "list" posts. I hope through some of this you have found interesting thoughts and what not. Any who, let us begin.

Look at today's society... what do you see...

  • suburbia
  • dead-zones
  • garbage in the pacific
  • erosion out of control
  • shopping malls the size of football fields and larger
  • soaring gas prices
  • mediocre health care
  • In a Nutshell--- EXPLOITATION


the closest thing that the 1877 dictionary has to exploitation is "exploit" which is listed as "a heroic deed". In the 2003 dictionary, it does include a similar definition but adds- "to make unethical use of for ones own profits".

It is clear that in every way, our society has turned a heroic mission into a profit making machine. Yes, agricultural expansion is a heroic mission... until you turn it into a machine that degrades soil. Yes, insurance is a good thing... until it so corrupts the health care system that you can't afford insurance or doctor's bills, and definitely not both. Yes, gas is a good thing...until so much of it is consumed that there is no longer an affordable way to travel.

In a nutshell, We are running ourselves into the ground, full force, without heeding any of the warnings. Our society, our culture is built on exploitive philosophy. There is only so much you can take without giving back. There is only so much you can give back (waste/garbage) with out taking something. Anyway, this concludes a series of thoughts based on society. I am a member of that very same society, but I am different. I will be different. If more people were different, then society would be different, and there would be no need fr me to stand on my virtual soapbox.

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