Mine Olde Mind

I know this is not following the format I set up for myself at the beginning of this blogging experience, but I have found that too restricting.

Recently, my passion for birds of prey has been ignited! Birds are such fascinating creatures, how can one help but to admire their grace and utility! I have great respect for a creature that can do most of the things a mammal can, but has not fur, nor paws, but feathers, and talons. (funny thought... this must have been an inner, subliminal appreciation because I even married a man named Talon!!) Birds weigh so little but have such a huge capacity for activity, it is incredible!!
Recently, I have been blessed to volunteer at Reelfoot State Park, and actually help program with some of these birds.

To the left you will see me handling the most adorable, yet terribly ferocious, (she can tell when you call her cute and she doesn't like it) Eastern Screech Owl named Luna. Below is a photo of me and my friend Kayla putting the jesses on a red tailed hawk for the evening birds of prey program. No worries, we were supervised by trained staff, the birds were not hurt in the making of these photos. I have high respect for a federally protected species.

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