Mine Olde Mind

How life is and how life should be....

How life is....

  • specialized
  • based on money
  • disparaging of the family
  • conflicting diversity
  • one over many
  • distant from the land
  • massive monoculture
  • mechanized
  • excessively exploited

How life should be....

  • Many faceted
  • based on community
  • nourishing to the family
  • cooperative relationships
  • a people's government
  • one with the land
  • diverse ecology
  • prescribed care
  • conserved and protected

Throughout the next many posts I will explain why these things are the way they are (to me) and further how they got their, and even further some ways we could change them. This is the view of Mine Olde Mind's Eye... I hope that you will find some resonance in what I have to say.


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